I couldn’t ask for better wind. It was great upon my arrival and I fell in love. After leaving Bangkok I flew to Saigon a short flight, yet one of the longest taxi rides of this journey. 5 hours on one of the craziest roads I have ever been in my life. The most important thing drivers do is to overtake, no matter if its on the right or left hand side. There were numerous times, we were on the opposite side of the road, with trucks and buses as the on coming traffic. There were motorbikes on the shoulder without lights, young kids pushing bikes, dogs which were centimeters close to the cars, who would not move out of the way. It all started to seem normal and relaxing to me by now. Even amongst the chaos and the ultimate crash event that never once happened, we arrived safely.
In Mui Ne, Liz Kaizer from C2-Sky kitesurf school and rep for Best Kiteboarding in Vietnam arranged a room for me. Even though I had asked for an economical rate. I ended up getting a garage without windows, which was not what I had in mind. I automatically booked another room for $9 usd on line. The pictures of the room looked splendid and I was looking forward for a good night sleep. The next day I explored the city, the vietnamese people are polite, the city has a great atmosphere. The beach was awesome and I got to kitesurf at the beach where C2-Sky school is at. That night I had dinner with Vincent Loof a Dutch kitesurfer. I was finally ready to get a good night sleep, only to be woken up by something crawling on my leg. Immediately I turned on the light to find the largest cockroach sharing my bed. Fricking baby jesus that was disgusting. Well my good night sleep went out the window as it was now 4:30am and here I was trying to chase the cockroach, unfortunately it won, it scurried under the bed. When I looked under the bed, there was layers of dust, and tons of debris. Making me realized why I was having a hard time trying to sleep in the first place.
The next day I met Vincent at C2-Sky in order to go to Malibu another kite spot in Mui Ne and I must tell you that Malibu beach is awesome, it is located on the East of Mui Ne on a pretty sick location. There were only a few kiters on the water, which is unheard of for Mui Ne. There were awesome waves to use as kickers and some flat in between waves to do a bit of freestyle which made our day. After sharing my cockroach love affair with Vincent, I managed to find a new hotel, but I was already committed for 5 days on this last one. Of course when I got home, there she was the huge cockroach was waiting for me on the bed. To bad she was not wearing sexy lingerie as I could feel its seduction towards me. But just in case to make sure I would not be bother by the lovely roach I sleep with the light on. Myth says roaches don’t come out when there is light. The next day I made sure I was out of this hotel period. Even though there was a language barrier as I explained I had an uninvited roach guest in my room, I had a picture of it to prove to the manager. He let me go, without charging me in exchange that I would not post the picture on the internet. Finally after 4 days of sleepless nights I found a clean, comfortable room with surprisingly fast internet.
I enjoyed Vietnam there are a lot of things I liked, it is super economical, the fruits and vegetables are delicious, the air temperature is perfect and there is a constant flow of people coming and going as its a place popular amongst backpackers. Once again I had a great time and got the chance to experience the first Art and Music Festival of Mui Ne.
In the end I finally had some decent wind to kitesurf, even thought I had a blister from the foot strap on my left foot which kept getting rubbed with the strap, I was in final enjoying the good conditions to kitesurf during ta few days and did not mind at all.
The last day of this trip I used it to film the vietnamese life. I met an outstanding local fisherman who took me around to see his fishing boat. We then noticed another boat with a bunch of young kids fishing with plastic bottles and flour, the kind we use for baking. It was incredible to see the fish come up into the plastic bottle which had the top cut off it. Then my new friend took me to meet his friend, they offered me seafood, a delicious strong wine and cigarettes. We had a great time even though his English was as good as my Vietnamese which consisted of only one word.
At 1:30 pm the same day I jumped on a taxi and slept my way to the airport of Saigon. Jumped on a plane to Manila for a 3 hour ride, took a taxi for 40 minutes. Hopped on another plane to Kalibo, then a bus for 1:20 minutes, a 10 minute boat ride to Boracay and finally took a taxi to the Aissatou Resort at Bulabong Beach.
Currently in Palawan at Puerto Princesa and this place feels like to be in harmony with the Mother Earth.
After Boracay a beautiful Island that is massively exploit by tourism full of bars, restaurants and hard core drinking to find this paradise right at the end of this journey it’s bliss.
Yesterday, do to Typhoon Nona hitting the North of the Philippines we kited on the West coast on Puerto Princesa
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